🛂Terms and Conditions

T&C is published on Clouch.com login page and accessible from any other page of the website. Final version is in process as of the day of writing this document.


The users are going to be restricted in many ways of how and for what purpose they use the Clouch. Technical means to filter and ban certain content in Clouch are still in development and the technical support team will make all the effort to manually manage and administer the social network in the proper way to provide the pleasant and safe environment for the members.

Age restrictions, legality, ways of information consumption and content creation and data privacy are regulated by the laws of geographies from which the users are connecting. Clouch will make all reasonable effort to follow the regulatory requirements and best practices.

The servers of Clouch are placed in the USA, Singapore, and Dubai at the time of launch. It is expected that as the social network gets more decentralized the servers will appear elsewhere and will not be subject to a single regulation.

Last updated