
Provided that over 60% of the accounts prebuilt in Clouch.com are non-Ethereum, Clouch team believes that there is a huge potential to build the initial Eth alphanumeric hashes for the users activating from Bitcoin and other non-Web3 compatible networks.

The Bitcoin accounts can be synchronized into the User profile, and Clouch has to place own BTC node for validation purposes.

Depending on the user acquisition trends of the first 3-6 months, the team is going to announce the fully functional wallet accessing and start developing the broader ecosystem.*

Clouch also has the long-term plan of building an independent blockchain which is now is in R&D with fintech team.

The Social network part is built using React JS for front end, combination of Firebase, Databases, and multiple API modules in the backend. The core is fully developed in-house, and we will continue development.

Content and user administration, ranking and filtering works similar to other existing social networks.

Very different from a "normal" social network, Clouch does not have any access to real user information, unless users be in humans or corporates deliberately chose to open their identity. Our wallets have the section where the users are required to go throgh a KYC process to buy crypto, but all this kind of information is collected by 3rd parties without any trace with Clouch.

Clouch may be collecting the phone numbers (but once again, no identity!) of those users who has chosen to get notified about our updates.

For technical integrations, please contact the admins in the https://t.me/clouchtalk

*Upd: Launched ahead of schedule

Last updated